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Brian Jackson was recently quoted in an article for Leadership Metro Richmond, sharing insight on the value of increasing diversity of all types on nonprofit boards.
The LMR article, available here, argues that if an organization is committed to diversity and its members make an honest effort to expand their friends, their acquaintances, their circle of influence, then greater diversity will naturally follow. Including younger board members who typically have more diverse peer groups can help. Rob Jones, president of Alliance Group and chair of the Virginia Credit Union board attributes VCU board diversity to an intentional focus on “expanding the pool of people being considered,” rather than “aiming for a particular demographic or group.”
On April 22, from 1-2 pm, LMR will host a virtual event on this topic, featuring Alice Korngold, author of Leveraging Good Will: Strengthening Nonprofits by Engaging Businesses.” Click here to register.

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Heather A. Scott

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