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In a letter to the editor published in the December issue of Virginia Lawyer, John C. Ivins, Jr. responds to the magazine’s October article, “Taking Aim at Virginia’s Opioid Crisis through Changes in Public Health Law.” Ivins states, “As a healthcare attorney who regularly represents medical professionals – including those who prescribe opioid pain medication – the article sheds light on regulations likely to impact my clients and provided helpful insight on the Commonwealth’s initiative to build awareness and prevention. The scope of the epidemic and the speed at which opioid use is expanding requires those of us who advise health professionals to keep our clients apprised of the evolving science impacting policy developments and regulatory issues.” Additionally, Ivins explains that it is important for lawyers to be aware of emerging regulatory developments at both the state and federal level. “Thus, we can serve as better advocates for health professionals and successfully counsel clients to ensure that they are in compliance in serving and treating the needs of their patients.” For the full article, click here.

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Heather A. Scott

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